Published inTulisan KhusniMenentukan Hari dalam 151 Hari ke Depan Jika Hari Ini JumatHari apa yang akan terjadi 151 hari dari sekarang jika hari ini adalah hari Jumat? Pertanyaan ini bisa dijawab dengan logika matematika…Feb 21Feb 21
Published inTulisan KhusniThe Future of Education: Why Personalized Learning Path Recommendations MatterIn an era where Netflix knows your next favorite show and Spotify crafts the perfect playlist, why shouldn’t education be just as…Jan 13Jan 13
Published inTulisan KhusniInclusive Education in Indonesia: Reality, Challenges, and OpportunitiesImagine a classroom where every child, regardless of their background or abilities, has an equal chance to learn, grow, and thrive. This is…Nov 15, 2024Nov 15, 2024
Published inTulisan KhusniThe Hidden Poison: Understanding and Combating Double Standards in Modern SocietyIn our complex modern era, justice remains an ever-controversial topic. Among its many facets, one phenomenon often escapes our careful…Jun 5, 2024Jun 5, 2024
Published inTulisan KhusniCherry Picking: Unveiling the Dark Side of Seemingly Beneficial ChoicesJun 5, 2024Jun 5, 2024
Published inTulisan KhusniExploring Variables in Java: Declaration Methods and ImplementationsIn the programming world, particularly in Java, variable declaration is a fundamental concept that’s essential to grasp. Java allows for…Dec 27, 2023Dec 27, 2023
Published inTulisan KhusniEksplorasi Variabel dalam Java: Cara Deklarasi dan ImplementasinyaDalam dunia pemrograman, khususnya di Java, deklarasi variabel adalah salah satu konsep dasar yang penting untuk dipahami. Variabel dalam…Dec 27, 2023Dec 27, 2023
Published inTulisan KhusniDeep Understanding of Binary Search: An Analysis Based on “Grokking Algorithms” by Aditya Y.Introduction: In today’s era of information technology, algorithms form the backbone of many applications and systems we use daily…Sep 30, 2023Sep 30, 2023
Published inTulisan KhusniPemahaman Mendalam Tentang Binary Search: Sebuah Analisa Berdasarkan “Grokking Algorithms” karya…Pendahuluan: Di era teknologi informasi saat ini, algoritma menjadi pondasi dari banyak aplikasi dan sistem yang kita gunakan sehari-hari…Sep 30, 2023Sep 30, 2023
Published inTulisan KhusniDissecting Bubble Sort: A Case Study and Implementation with JavaScriptIn today’s digital age, data has become an invaluable asset. However, without proper structuring, data can be more of a burden than a boon…Sep 26, 2023Sep 26, 2023